Wednesday, March 9, 2011

week 7

Alllright! Week 7!

I have been SUPER SICK this last week. I'm not sure how this is going to effect my spending ...
Historically whenever I feel sorry for myself I go shopping to make myself feel better ...
On that note!

$20.00 on school supplies (print card)

$32.19 on food
$58.22 on clothes

total : $90.41

Wowzaaa so another big week!
even though it was mostly on clothes ... which can't really be helped, can it? :p
I bought a bunch of workout clothes. I guess being bed ridden for days made me a bit antsy. I can't wait to start getting into shape for summer. I don't have a lot of spare time during the school year to exercise, so my body goes to hell. Haha xD

And as for the food, I have been to lazy to prepare for myself. I just bought a bunch of soups and juice at the grocery store, so that all I need to do is heat it up and eat it. 
The less amount of effort the better!
I'm a wimp when I'm sick ...



  1. It's called emotional shopping. Did it cheerr you up? ; P

  2. It feels like you really panic and feel guilty of spending money. I mean most of the stuff you buy are needed and you have no choice! like food and school supplies!
