Saturday, February 26, 2011

just a thought on gift-cards ...

Hey everyone!
So I've been thinking ... My friend and I went shopping this week to park royal. We both had things we were looking for, but my friend really needed to use up her gift cards because they wee going to expire in a couple of months. 
I didn't even know gift cards could expire!
But anyways, it got me thinking ... are gift cards really that smart of an idea?
i've got people coming into work all the time buying and reloading their coffee gift cards. And some people refuse to pay with anything else! They will literally make me do two transactions, just so that they can load money on their card first, and then use their card to buy a coffee!
That to me is just silly!
At the end of the day, gift cards are still just money right? But with one major difference:
You can only spend that money at one specific place. 

I'm not hating on gift-cards or anything. I personally love getting gift-cards to my favorite stores for my birthday or Christmas. But Im just wondering, are they a good idea, or a bad one?
On one hand, putting money into something can help limit how much you spend. For example, If I put $5.00 into my coffee gift card every week, that could potentially help me budget my coffee spendings.
On the other hand, you are storing you money in a card and totally committing it. There's no getting that money back out of it, and that card could easily be lost, forgotten, stolen, or like my friend's almost did, expire! And any of those would result in a horrible waste of your hard earned money. Is it worth the risk?

What do you guys think? Are gift-cards a good or bad investment? 


  1. I think gift card is a bad present because some people might life far from the shop and may never have the time to do any shopping. I think finding the people interested and buy them a small gift is even better than giving a gift card to a person

  2. I agree with you that gift card harm you more than do you good. However, some people are obsessed with gift cards because they forget to bring coins/cash? I always lose it, so I don't recommend anyone using gift cards.

  3. Not knowing that gift cards expire, I tried to use one once and they store told me that it was expired. I caused a fuss about it and they gave me 20% of the worth of the card. I ended up buying something anyway, but had to contribute to the cost of it
