about me

Hello all!

I am a student currently studying at Emily Carr University of Art + Design.
I created this blog for my DIVA 200 class (Digital and Interactive Arts). Each member of class has created a blog, and our blogs have two purposes: to document our work for the class throughout the semester, and to record a personal passion of ours. 

My passion came from my one (and only) new years resolution this year. I decided that for a change, I would be realistic about what I wanted to change, and steer clear from the typical goals we all commit to and abandon every new year. Rules like "no facebook", and "losing weight" (although it would be nice).

This year, I committed to one big change. My goal is simple: stop spending so much!
I don't mean lock away my savings and cut up my credit card, I mean really learning to control myself. As I mentioned before,  I am a student. I am also working part time to try and pay my way through my education, and it's a little depressing when I review my bank transactions every month and see how much money I blow on things I don't even need. I am what they call an "instinctive" spender, a "shopoholic"? 
I wouldn't go that far ...

But I do need to change my ways. Learning about budgeting is a part of growing up! I need to learn how to manage my own finances like a big girl. So this blog is going to keep me accountable! At least, I hope it is. 

Wish me luck! I'll keep you posted ;)
