Alright, its time to calculate the second weekly total!
This week I didn't make any huge purchases, like usb drives or batteries ...
So I expect that I will have done much better!
The breakdown:
$32.97 on food
$6.71 on make up
$8.94 on school supplies
$17.94 on a rubiks cube ...
Total : $66.56
I really wasn't expecting that big of a number.
And I will have you know that I needed that rubiks cube for a school project!
But I have a very probable theory as to why I spent so much this week.
Last week I was really hard on myself, I planned my meals, cooked at home, and really watched my spending. Even after all that work, my weekly total was still almost eighty dollars because of 1 large purchase.
This week I felt safer, because I knew that my number would have to be lower no matter how I spent, just because I knew I wouldn't be spending forty dollars on another usb!
Man ... thats so much money though ...
And half of it was spent on food!
This week I am going to be extra hard on myself.
I need to be more self disciplined!
I'll keep you posted!
I reallly like your thematic of paying attention to cost. It makes me think about my own situation with money out and money coming in.